Mike's Studio
Pete Clarke Crossing the Bar
Chai Shai: British Asian Art
Creative Care
Richard Proffitt ‘Loner’ book
The Jingle Book
Drawing Paper 9
A Short History of the Brain
The Art of Here publication
Jai Chuhan – Refuge
Refractive Pool book
Pete Clarke Other Echoes
Brands and booklets
Artists Together
Helen Blake
Freedom in Captivity
Just dogs that live longer
Present Tense
Jasmir Creed catalogue
Liverpool Biennial 2018
…and Still the Table Remains…
Exhibition identity
Pierre Henry – The Liverpool Mass
Bantam Lions record sleeve design
Gettin’ the heart ready exhibition graphics
Culture Diary, Biennial Fringe Edition
On Being Curious: New Critical Writing on Contemporary Art From the North-West of England
The Double Negative business cards
The Essential Journal #12
Slavery at the Bluecoat
Invitation for exhibition ‘Resource’
Drawing Paper 8
The Bluecoat
Exhibition publication: Tricia Porter
Drawing Paper
Branding for Seebohm Hill
Exhibition publication: Art of the Lived Experiment
Branding for The Organic Juicery
Record label design: Scenery
Exhibition publication: The Negligent Eye
Exhibition publication: Misdirect Movies
Exhibition catalogue: I Exist
Branding for The Double Negative
Record sleeve design
Exhibition poster
Exhibition guide: Democratic Promenade
Bike Mag
Art publication: Primate Cinema
Can Cook branding and cook books